Assessment of Earning Capacity, Third Edition PDF eBook
Author: Michael S. Shahnasarian Ph.D.
ISBN 10: 1-936360-35-7
- ISBN 13: 978-1-936360-35-2
- Pages: 352
- PDF eBook
Earning capacity is quite often underappreciated and not fully understood. All too often in litigated disputes, two vocational evaluators arrive at radically disparate opinions despite having similar professional backgrounds and analyzing the same set of facts. Who is the jury or judge to believe?
In Assessment of Earning Capacity, author Michael Shahnasarian, Ph.D. recommends standardization, objectivity, and consistency in vocational evaluations. He begins by introducing you to vocational expert services, guiding you through consultation and the standard methods to determining your clients' earning capacity. From there you will be taken through several comprehensive case studies examining common situations that may require vocational assessment, such as personal injury cases, family law, employment law, and an all new chapter on long term disability insurance. Finally, the author presents tips on appearing as an economic expert in court. You will learn what is required for trial preparation, testimony, and be presented with sample deposition questions and tips to aid you in presenting a professional demeanor while undergoing intense cross examination.
Assessment of Earning Capacity contains many examples to help you understand the expert's job.