Nursing Malpractice, Fourth Edition Volume II PDF eBook
Author: Patricia W. Iyer, Barbara J. Levin, Kathleen C. Ashton, Victoria Powell
ISBN 10: 1-933264-96-9
ISBN 13: 978-1-933264-96-7
Copyright Date Ed: May 1, 2011
Pages: 960 pages
- PDF eBook
An outstanding reference for the attorney, legal nurse consultant, insurance claim adjuster, healthcare risk manager, or healthcare facility leader involved in a nursing malpractice claim. This newly revised Nursing Malpractice, Fourth Edition, Volume I and Volume II is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of nursing malpractice litigation. This extensively revised and updated edition of a classic covers the spectrum of the nursing process--from the neonate to the oldest nursing home resident. It gives a comprehensive overview of nursing responsibilities.
Nursing Malpractice, Fourth Edition consists of two separate books: Volume 1 and Volume 2. Volume 1, Foundations of Nursing Malpractice Claims, covers broad range topics such as patient safety, nursing practice, damages, and litigation of nursing malpractice claims. Included are new chapters on the view of the actuary and e-discovery.
Volume 2, Roots of Nursing Malpractice, takes a closer look at more specific roles, with detailed chapters on obstetrics, critical care, psychiatric, medical surgical, orthopaedic, managed care and emergency nursing, among many others.
Included are new chapters on respiratory care, school nursing, dialysis therapy, telephone triage, nurse practitioners, healthcare-acquired conditions, and falls and their consequences.
A unique blend of attorneys, nurse attorneys, nurse expert witnesses, legal nurse consultants, physicians, pharmacists, toxicologists, jury consultants, actuaries and legal photographers contributed chapters for this book. This text remains the only one on the market written for attorneys on nursing malpractice using such a broad base of expert authors. In short, this comprehensive book is an excellent and important addition to your nursing malpractice library.
Topics include:
- Roots of Patient Injury
- Where Have All the Nurses Gone?
- Moving from Traditional Law and Medicine to Promote Safety and Effective Risk Management
- Patient Safety Initiatives
- Medical Errors: Roots of Litigation
- Foundations of Nursing Practice
- Nursing Documentation
- Inside the Healthcare Environment
- Intersection of Nursing and Employment Law
- Pain and Suffering
- Vocational Evaluations in Nursing Malpractice Cases
- Life Care Planning
- Role of the Forensic Economist in Nursing Malpractice Actions
- Screening the Nursing Malpractice Case
- Plaintiff Attorney’s Perspective: Working Up a Case
- Defense Attorney’s Perspective: Working Up a Case
- View of the Actuary
- E-Discovery
- Working with Claims Adjusters
- Working with Legal Nurse Consultants
- Working with Nursing Expert Witnesses
- Demonstrative Evidence
- Keeping the Jurors in Mind: Jury Research, Jury Selection, Themes, and Comprehension
- Crafting Effective Themes for a Nursing Malpractice Case
- Trial Techniques
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Obstetrical Nursing Malpractice Issues
by Joanne McDermott, MA, RN and Gretchen Aumann, PhD, RN
Chapter 2: Neonatal Nursing Malpractice Issues
by M. Terese Verklan, PhD, CCNS, RNC
Chapter 3: Pediatric Nursing Malpractice Issues
by Susan G. Engleman, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, PNP, CLCP
Chapter 4: Critical Care Malpractice Issues
by Kathleen C. Ashton, PhD, APRN, BC and Jenny Beerman, MN, RN, LNCC
Chapter 5: Perioperative Nursing Malpractice Issues
by JoAnn Pietro, JD, RN and Dianna McCorkle, BSN, RN, CNOR
Chapter 6: Psychiatric Nursing Liability
by Linda Esposito, PhD, MPH, MSN, APRN-BC and Wanda K. Mohr, PhD, RN, FAAN
Chapter 7: Medical Surgical Malpractice Issues
by Marlene Roman, MSN, RN, ARNP, CMSRN and Beth Cohen, MSN, RNC, ARNP
Chapter 8: Respiratory Malpractice
by Hilary J. Flanders, MPH, RN-BC, RRT
Chapter 9: Orthopaedic Nursing Malpractice Issues
by Barbara J. Levin BSN, RN, ONC, LNCC and Nancy E. Mooney, MA, RNC, ONC
Chapter 10: Subacute and Long-Term Care Nursing Malpractice Issues
by Patricia W. Iyer, MSN, RN, LNCC, Gloria Blackmon, AAS, RN, BSN, RN-BC, LNHA, and Georgette M. Bieber, RNC, LNCC
Chapter 11: Assisted Living Liability
by Sean J. Doolan, Esq. and Monica Kenny, Esq.
Chapter 12: Legal Issues in School Nursing Practice
by Marian Nowak, RN, MSN, M.Ed., MPH
Chapter 13: Managed Care Liability
by Peter A. Kolbert, Esq. and John C. Webber, Esq.
Chapter 14: Dialysis Therapy Malpractice
by Kelly L. Dyar, RN, CNN
Chapter 15: Home Healthcare Nursing Malpractice Issues
by Nanette Sulik, MSN, RN, CSN, Valerie V. Parisi, RN, CRRN, CLCP, Barbara Mladenetz Weber Berry, MSN, RN, and Mindy Cohen, RN, MSN
Chapter 16: Emergency Medical Services
by Mary E. Fakes, RN, MSN and Scott A. Mullins, AAS, EMT-P
Chapter 17: Emergency Nursing Malpractice
by Christine B. Macaulay, MSN, RN, CEN, Tammy J. Murphy, ASN, RN, CAP III, and Donna Hunter-Adkins, BSN, RN, CEN, CCM, CRRN, CLCP, LNCC
Chapter 18: Telephone Triage: A Primer for Lawyers and LNCs
by Carol Rutenberg, RN-BC, C-TNP, MNSc, M. Elizabeth Greenberg, RN-BC, C-TNP, PhD, Trish Councell, BSN RN, and Austin A. Evans, Esq.
Chapter 19: Nurse Practitioner Liability Issues
by Patricia Goode, RN, ANP/FNP
Chapter 20: Nurse Anesthesia Malpractice Issues
by F. David Rodden, CRNA, MSN, MS
Chapter 21: Midwifery Malpractice and Litigation
by Elaine K. Diegmann, CNM, ND, FACN
Chapter 22: Preventing Healthcare-Acquired Conditions Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
by Carol Ann Armenti, MA, JD
Chapter 23: Infections in Hospitals and Nursing Homes
by Ginny Lee, BBM, MBA/HCM, MSN, RN, Luke Curtis, MD, MS, CIH, Jacqueline Vance RNC, CDONA/LTC, and Lorraine M. Harkavy, RN, MS
Chapter 24: Intravenous Therapy Malpractice
by Susan Masoorli, RN
Chapter 25: Wounds
by Martie Hawkins, RN-BC, BSN, CWOCN, CCM
Chapter 26: Falls and their Consequences
by Barbara J. Levin, BSN, RN, ONC, LNCC, Kelly Shanley, MSN, RN, and Elizabeth Hill, PhD, RN, PLNC
Chapter 27: Significance of Healthcare Fraud in Nursing
by Rose Clifford, RN, Agnes Grogan, BS, RN, and Mary K. Leverock, RN, BSN, QAUR
Chapter 28: Medication Errors
by Patricia W. Iyer, MSN, RN, LNCC, James O’Donnell, PharmD, FCP, ABCP, and David M. Benjamin, PhD, FCP, FCLM
Chapter 29: Nurses Who Kill
by Katherine Ramsland, PhD and Dana DeVito, RN
Appendix A: Medical Terminology, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols
by Ann M. Peterson, EdD, MSN, RN, CS, LNCC