The Winning Edge: The Art and Science of the Interview
- Authors: Dian L. Williams, Ph.D., RN, LNC, DF-IAFN
- ISBN-13: 978-1-936360-45-1
- ISBN-10: 1-936360-45-4
- Copyright Date Ed: January 4, 2019
- Pages: 256
- Binding Information: Softbound
- Size: 6 ✕ 9 inches (US)
This book on cultural considerations in interviewing is written at a time in the United States of extreme polarization of political views, lifestyles, and philosophies. Our society has divided itself into ‘us’ and ‘them’ and people with opposing points of view, cultures, races, or religious affiliation are looked upon with suspicion and talked about with disrespect. Questioning a stranger is never easy and many of us have difficult jobs interviewing very challenging and sometimes downright frightening people. This book is intended for use in upper level undergraduate and graduate courses as well as by mental health and criminal justice professionals. It is less a ‘how-to ask questions’ book than a way to bring an advanced level of understanding about communication across cultures and topics.
- Chapter 1: Theories of Communication
- Chapter 2: Culture and Communication
- Chapter 3: Interviewing Across Life Stages and Cultural Influences
- Chapter 4: Theories of Criminology
- Chapter 5: Methods of Interviewing
- Chapter 6: Eyewitness Testimony
- Chapter 7: Understanding Mental Status
- Chapter 8: Warnings and Confessions
- Chapter 9: Influence and the Interview Process
- Chapter 10: Substance Abuse and Substance Abusers
- Chapter 11: Domestic Violence Victims and Abusers
- Chapter 12: The Ethics of Interviewing
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Theories of Communication
Communication Distortion
Principles of Communication
The Communication Process
Communication Barriers and Other Considerations
Chapter 2: Culture and Communication
Non-Verbal Communication
Culture and Communication
Cultural Aspects for Interviewer Consideration
Gender and Sex
Eye Contact
Chapter 3: Interviewing Across Life Stages and Cultural Influences
Logical Thinking
- Social Learning Theory
- Psychoanalytical Theory
- Moral Development Theory
The Importance of Culture
Chapter 4: Theories of Criminology
Biology as Destiny: Biological Theories
Poverty as Destiny: Social Structure Theories
- Strain Theory
- Delinquency Theory
Values and Destiny: Social Learning Theories
- Social Control Theory
Personality and Destiny: Psychological Theories
- Moral Development Theory
- Antisocial Personality Theory
Chapter 5: Methods of Interviewing
The Roots of Misunderstanding
Positive Interviewing: The First Steps
The Interviewing Process: Asking the Questions
- Closed Questions
- Open Questions
- Projective Questions
- Swing Questions
- Indirect or Implied Questions
- Questions of Scale
Nondirective Techniques
- Silence
- The Paraphrase
- The Summary Statement
Directive Techniques
- Interpretation
- Reframing
- Confrontation
- Saving Face
Some General Reminders, Points and Tips for Interviewers
Chapter 6: Eyewitness Testimony
Variables Related to Eyewitness Testimony
- Gender and Age
- Race
- The Eyewitness Event Variables
- The Role of Memory
Chapter 7: Understanding Mental Status
Police Interviews
Assessing Suicide Potential
Chapter 8: Warnings and Confessions
Miranda Warnings and Confessions
Concerns about Interrogation of Juvenile Suspects
False Confessions
Chapter 9: Influence and the Interview Process
Understanding How Memory Works
Eyewitness Concerns
- The Role of Gender
- The Role of Age
Suggestibility and Memory Retrieval
- The Role of Race
The Identification Process
Chapter 10: Substance Abuse and Substance Abusers
- Trafficking Heroin Across the World
Drug Trafficking Overview
The Profile and Consequences of Heroin Addiction
- A Brief History of Cocaine
- The Effects of Cocaine
- Crack Cocaine
Prescription Drug Abuse
- Prohibition
- Alcohol and Crime
- Patterns of Drinking
- Genetics and Drinking
- Alcohol Absorption
- Impact on the Body and Mind
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
- Culture and alcoholism
Assessment Tools and Interview Questions
Motivational Interviewing
Chapter 11: Domestic Violence Victims and Abusers
Police and Domestic Violence Response
Cultural Aspects of Domestic Violence
Alcohol Abuse and Domestic Violence
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Explaining Domestic Violence: The Abuser
Explaining Domestic Violence: The Victim
The Domestic Violence Pattern
Effects of Chronic Abuse
Domestic Violence and Children
Interviewing the Abuser
Interviewing the Victim
Documenting Abuse
Chapter 12: The Ethics of Interviewing
Ethical Systems
- Deontology
- Teleology
- Ethics of Care
- Religion
Ethics in the Workplace
Interviewing by Flawed Technique
The Rule of Law and Confessions
Types of Lies in Policing
Concluding Comments
Glossary of Terms
About the Author