Arizona DUI Defense: The Law & Practice, Sixth Edition with DVD
Author: James Nesci
- ISBN 10: 1-936360-92-6
ISBN 13: 978-1-936360-92-5
Copyright Date Ed: January 17, 2023
Pages: 696
Binding Information: Casebound with DVD
- Size: 11 X 8.5 Inches (US)
For even the most seasoned attorney admitted to practice in the State of Arizona, defending DUI cases has always presented special challenges. Today mounting a successful defense is more difficult than ever. Now you have the advantage with Nesci’s Arizona DUI Defense: The Law and Practice, 6th Edition. This text and supplementary DVD contains the most important information to help you win your case. Written by James Nesci, Board Certified by the National College for DUI Defense (2001-2021), Nesci’s Arizona DUI Defense: The Law and Practice, 6th Edition ensures that you understand the chemical, biological and technological concepts and issues underlying DUI prosecution and defense in the State of Arizona.
This Sixth edition is expanded from the previous one and now includes nearly 1,000 case citations. New for the 6th Edition are sections on Field Sobriety Testing in the Marine Boating Environment, a revised DRE chapter, Implied Consent (life after Birchfield), and; the new criminal rules of procedure.
The Sixth Edition is expanded and includes 100 new case citations, accident reconstruction, collateral consequences and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, and revised and expanded sections on the Motor Vehicle Division, motions in limine, sentencing, field sobriety testing, blood testing uncertainty, boating and flying under the influence, the latest Arizona statutes and caselaw, making this text the most important book to have with you in all phases of a DUI case, from investigation to trial.
Collateral Consequences covers; Pilots & FAA, Merchant Mariners, Aliens (documented & undocumented), Immigration & Deportation, Healthcare Workers, and Fingerprint Clearance Cards.
The Chemical Testing Chapter (Chapter 11) has been split into two chapters now—Chapters 11 and 12. Chapter 11 is Breath Testing for Alcohol and Chapter 12 is Blood and Urine Testing for Alcohol and Drugs. Chapter 11—Breath Testing—has the latest information on the Intoxilyzer 9000, including photographs on the inside of the device. It also has an explanation of the Grey-Body IR Source which is new to the Intox 9000, rather than a pulsed IR source that was used in the Intox 8000. It explains histograms and why they are important (Arizona chose to suppress that function). Chapter 12—Blood & Urine Testing has completely new sections on blood testing for drugs. Have you ever wanted to understand how ELISA works? How about GC/MS/MS or LC/MS/MS, or LC/QTOF, or LC/QQQ?MS? Do you want to know how to read the chromatograms? It’s all here in Chapter 12 including explanations of Trimethylsilylation (yes that’s a word), Cold Acetonitrile Crash, extraction and derivatization.
The DVD includes ARIDE Instructor and Student Manuals with the ARIDE Powerpoint presentation, Sixteen DRE Manuals, NHTSA Driving Cues Manuals, eighteen SFST Manuals, NHTSA validation studies, NHTSA videos and more. Sample motions are included in Microsoft Word. Organizations sells a fraction of what is on this DVD for hundreds of dollars. It is free with the book—just look inside of the rear cover. Many practical tools and applications designed to streamline and simplify the complex DUI defense process have been developed along with this book. They are all included on a bonus DVD--so you can locate, review and print them out in a matter of seconds. Some vendors sell these together for $600 or more. They are all included on the DVD at no extra cost.
Lawyers & Judges has published twenty state-specific DUI defense reference books. A practitioner in Colorado raved in the Colorado Lawyer that Colorado DUI Defense: The Law and Practice is “a must-have resource” and would make “a nice gift for the lawyers in your life who practice DUI defense.” The Wisconsin Lawyer reviewer gave Wisconsin OWI Defense: The Law and Practice a touchdown review, calling the book “the best book I have read pertaining to Wisconsin operating-while-intoxicated (OWI) law, and one of the best in dealing with the substance of OWI law.”
Book Topics Include:
- Chapter 1: Lawyer Advertising
- Chapter 2: Basic Client Relations
- Chapter 3: Collateral Consequences
- Chapter 4: Driver’s License Actions Arizona Department of Revenue Motor Vehicle Division
- Chapter 5: Driving, Boating, & Flying Under the Influence
- Chapter 6: Pre-Trial Investigations
- Chapter 7: Pre-Trial Motions Practice
- Chapter 8: Jury Selection, Trial, Sentencing, and Plea Deals
- Chapter 9: Police DUI Investigations: Driving, Boating, and Field Sobriety Testing
- Chapter 10: Drug Evaluation Classification Protocols
- Chapter 11: Breath Testing for Alcohol
- Chapter 12: Blood & Urine Testing for Alcohol & Drugs
- Chapter 13: Blood Alcohol Calculations for Attorneys
- Chapter 14: DUI Jury Trial Warpack
New & Updated DVD topics a $600 value include:
ARIDE Training Manuals: Courses, Instructor Guides, Power Point Files, Training Videos
BD Vacutainer Genuine & Fraudulent Recall Notices,
Cliniqa Documents Folder
Drug Evaluation Classification Program (DECP) Manuals & Material Folder & DRE Training Manuals
Drug Influence Evaluation
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) DRE Standards
U S Department of Transportation Folder with DOT Specimen Custody Form 8/30/21
- AA Attendance Form
- Law Enforcement Phlebotomy
- NHSTA Driving Cues Pamphlets Cars, Motorcycles, Older Drivers
- NHTSA Driving, Drugs, & BAC Studies
- Drug Evaluation Classification Program (DECP) Studies
- Driving Cues Studies
- DUI-Alcohol Studies
- Non-Chemically Impaired Driving
- Roadblocks & Check-Points
- NHSTA SFST Manuals
- NHSTA SFST Validation Studies
- NHTSA Videos Driving & Checkpoints, Motorcycles & SFST Training Videos
- Arizona Specific ADOT/MVD, AZ DRE Study, AZ Highway Safety Plans, DPS Blood & Alcohol Testing Rules, Breath, DUI Screening & Treatment, Intoxilyzer 9000 Police Reports, Forms and 10-Codes, Sentencing Charts, Tucson Blood Testing, Motions, New Legislation.
- Completed list follows:
ARIDE Training Manuals
2007 ARIDE Course Manual
2013 ARIDE Instructor Guide
2013 ARIDE Participant Manual
2018 ARIDE Instructor Guide
2018 ARIDE Participant Manual
ARIDE Training Power Point Files (sub-folder)
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 1
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 2
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 3
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 4
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 5
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 6
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 7
ARIDE Instructor Guide Session 8
ARIDE SFST Training Videos (sub-folder)
ARIDE HGN Training Video
ARIDE One-Leg-Stand Training Video
ARIDE Walk-and-Turn Training Video
BD Vacutainer Recall Folder
1. Genuine Recall Notices (sub-folder)
BD Certificate of Compliance, August 22, 2018
BD Vacutainer Recall Letter, May 30, 2019
BD Amended Recall Notice, June 12, 2019
SIRCHIE BD Recall Notice, June 17, 2019
BD Gold-Top SST Recall Notice, PAS-A8-1146-FA
2. Fraudulent Recall Notices (sub-folder)
2. Fraudulent BD Vacutainer Recall Notice
3. BD Statement Fraudulent Recall Notice
Cliniqa Documents Folder
Cliniqa Email, August 20, 2013
Cliniqa Memo, November 5, 2013
Drug Evaluation Classification Program (DECP) Manuals & Material Folder
DRE Training Manuals (sub-folder)
1989 DRE School Student Manual
1991 DRE School Student Manual
1993 DRE Pre-School Student Manual
1993 DRE School Student Manual
1999 DRE School Student Manual
2002 DRE Pre-School Student Manual
2002 DRE School Student Manual
2004 Drugs that Impair Instructor Manual
2004 Drugs that Impair Student Manual
2010 DRE School Student Manual, Part 1
2010 DRE School Student Manual, Part 2
2013 DRE 7 Day Course Instructor Guide
2013 DRE 7 Day Course Participant Manual
2015 DRE Student Manual
2016 DRE Condensed Instructor Development Course, Participant Manual
2017 DRE Condensed Instructor Development Course, Instructor Guide
2018 DRE Instructor Guide
2018 DRE Participant Manual
2018 DRE Pre-School Instructor Guide
2018 DRE Pre-School Participant Manual
Drug Influence Evaluation (sub-folder)
Drug Influence Evaluation Blank Report Form
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) DRE Standards (sub-folder)
2015 IACP DRE Standards
2016 IACP DRE Standards
2017 IACP DRE Standards
2018 IACP DRE Standards
2020 IACP DRE Standards (April Revision)
2020 IACP DRE Standards (October Revision)
IACP DECP State Coordinators, October, 2019
Recertification and Assurances Form R11/2019
U.S. Department of Transportation Folder
DOT Specimen Custody Form 8/30/21
Forms Folder
AA Attendance Form
Law Enforcement Phlebotomy Folder
NHTSA Publication: Law Enforcement Phlebotomy Toolkit
NHTSA Driving Cues Pamphlet Folder
Cars (sub-folder)
Guide for Detecting Drunk Drivers at Night (HS 805 711)
The Visual Detection of DWI Motorists
Motorcycles (sub-folder)
2005 The Detection of DWI Motorcyclists
2013 The Detection of DWI Motorcyclists
Older Drivers (sub-folder)
1998 Older Drivers Pamphlet
NHTSA Driving, Drugs & BAC Studies Folder
Alcohol, Drugs & Driving Studies (sub-folder)
Drugs & Human Performance Fact Sheet 2014
Drugs & Human Performance Fact Sheet, 2004
Drugs of Abuse in Aviation Fatalities-Marijuana
Effect of Marihuana & Alcohol on Visual Search Performance
Effect of Marihuana Dosage on Driver Performance
Effect of Marihuana and Alcohol on Visual Search Performance
Feasibility of Chemical Testing for Drug Impairment
Field Evaluation of the LAPD Drug Detection Procedure
Field Test of On-Site Drug Detection Devices
Identifying Types of Drug Intoxication
Impact of Legalization & Decriminalization of Marijuana on the DWI System
Institutionalizing the DECP in the United States
Marihuana Contact Test, Evaluation & Development
Marijuana & Actual Driving Performance
Marijuana & Driver Behaviors Among Fatal Operators
Marijuana-Impaired Driving, A Report to Congress
Marijuana, Other Drugs & their Relation to Highway Safety, 1979
Marijuana, Other Drugs & their Relation to Highway Safety, 1980
National Roadside Study of Alcohol & Drug Use by Drivers
NHTSA Extra Eyes Report
The Role of Alcohol, Marijuana & Other Drugs in the Accidents of Injured Drivers, Volume 1
The Role of Alcohol, Marijuana & Other Drugs in the Accidents of Injured Drivers, Volume 2
The Role of Alcohol, Marijuana & Other Drugs in the Accidents of Injured Drivers, Revised
Traffic Safety Culture & Cannabis Use
Visual Search & Urban City Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol & Marijuana
Drug Evaluation Classification Program (DECP) Studies (sub-folder)
Evaluation of the DECP on Enforcement & Adjudication
Field Evaluation of the LAPD Drug Detection Procedure
Institutionalizing the DECP in the United States
Exploring the Predictive Validity of DECP Evaluations
Driving Cues Studies (sub-folder)
Final Report, Visual Detection of DWI, 1980
Interim Report, Visual Detection of DWI, 1979
Michigan Driving Study, 1974
The Detection of DWI at BACs Below .10, Final Report
The Detection of DWI Motorcyclists
DUI-Alcohol Studies (sub-folder)
Alcohol Impairment of Impairment on Steering
Arrest Procedures for Driving While Intoxicated
ASAP Enforcement II
ASAP Enforcement IV
Comparison Study & Evaluation of SCRAM Use, Recidivism & Characteristics
Drunk Driving & Enforcement, An Assessment of Effectiveness
National Roadside Study of Alcohol & Drug Use by Drivers
NHTSA FARS Missing BAC Imputation Method
Open Container Laws & Alcohol Involved Crashes
NHTSA Per Se Laws Review
SCRI Driver Characteristics & Impairment at Various BACs, 2000
State of Knowledge of Alcohol Impaired Research on Repeat DWI Offenders
Survey of DWI Courts
Traffic Safety Facts 2004
Traffic Safety Facts for Motorcycles 2004
Use of Warrants for Breath Test Refusals
Non-Chemically Impaired Driving (sub-folder)
Drowsy Driving Study
Medically Impaired Driving
Roadblocks & Check-Points (sub-folder)
Deterrent Capability of Sobriety Checkpoints
Law Enforcement Use of Sobriety Checkpoints & Saturation Patrols
Roadblock Study, 1992
NHTSA SFST Manuals Folder
1984 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
1987 NHTSA SFST Student Manual, Version1
1987 NHTSA SFST Student Manual, Version2
1992 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
1995 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2000 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2002 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2004 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2004 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course Instructor Manual
2006 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2008 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course Participant Manual (8-hour)
2008 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course Participant Manual (4-hour)
2009 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2013 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2015 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2015 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course Instructor Guide
2015 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course Participant Manual
2018 NHTSA SFST Student Manual
2018 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course Instructor Guide
2018 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course Participant Manual
2018 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course PowerPoint (sub-folder)
2018 NHTSA SFST Refresher Course PowerPoint
2018 Optional Session—Legal Issues (sub-folder)
2018 DWI Detection PowerPoint Lesson Plan Parts 1-18 (sub-folder)
NHTSA SFST Validation Studies Folder
Marine Environment Studies (sub-folder)
Marine Environment FST Draft Study, 1987
Marine Environment FST Study, 1990
NHTSA SFST Validation Studies (sub-folder)
1977 Psychophysical Tests for DWI Arrests
1980 The Visual Detection of Driving While Intoxicated
1981 Development and Field test of Psychophysical Tests for DWI Arrests (SCRI)
1983 Field Evaluation of a Behavioral Test Battery for DWI
1995 Colorado SFST Validation Study
1997 Florida SFST Validation Study
1998 San Diego SFST Validation Study
Other SFST Evaluations (sub-folder)
An Assessment of Behavioral Tests to Detect Impaired Drivers, 1981
NHTSA Videos Folder
Driving & Checkpoints (sub-folder)
NHTSA Use of Sobriety Checkpoints for DUI (video)
NHTSA Visual Detection of DWI Motorists (Early Version) (video)
NHTSA Visual Detection of DWI Motorists (Later Version) (video)
Motorcycles (sub-folder)
NHTSA Detection of DWI Motorcyclists (Early Version) (video)
NHTSA Detection of DWI Motorcyclists (Later Version) (video)
SFST Training Videos (sub-folder)
NHTSA SFST (video)
HGN (video)
One-Leg-Stand (video)
Walk-and-Turn (video)
Arizona State-Specific Material Folder
ADOT/MVD (sub-folder)
2013 Court Abstract
2017 Court Abstract
Arizona Transportation History
CIID Deferment
CIID Order
Corrective Action Notice
How to Read an MVR
License Suspensions-chart for judges
MVD and the Courts
MVD Revised Court Abstract Examples
MVD Special Ignition Interlock Policy
Revocation Packet
AZ DRE Study (sub-folder)
AZ DRE Study
AZ Highway Safety Plans (sub-folder)
AZGOHS 2014 Fiscal Year Plan
AZGOHS 2017 Fiscal Year Plan
AZGOHS 2017 Fiscal Year Report
AZGOHS 2018 Fiscal Year Plan
AZGOHS 2021 Fiscal Year Plan
DPS Blood & Breath Alcohol Testing Rules (sub-folder)
(Blood sub-sub-folder)
2014 BA Budget - MASTER (protected)
Alcohol Toxicology Protocol
AZ Laboratory Audit
AZPDS BA Isikawa (Fishbone) 2014 (protected)
cliniqa email
DPS Forensic Alcohol Testing Protocols
Drug Testing Training Manual
Drug Toxicology Analytical Protocol
Drug Toxicology Blood Qualitative Confirmation Analysis
Drug Toxicology Guidelines for Report Interpretations
Drug Toxicology QA/QC Protocol
Drug Toxicology Urine Confirmation Tests
Uncertainty progression using average results (protected)
Breath (sub-sub-folder)
DPS Breath Protocol
DUI Screening & Treatment (sub-folder)
Court-Ordered DUI Screening Requirements
DUI Treatment Facilities
Intoxilyzer 9000 (sub-folder)
CMI Intox 9000 Compliance Letter
CMI Intox 9000 QA Plan
Conformance Testing, July 2012, Intox 9000
Intox 9000 Approval Testing
Intox 9000 Checklist
Misc. Material (sub-folder)
Evaluation of the DUI Court program in Maricopa County, Arizona
Ignition Interlock Investigation-Arizona
IID & Judges
Police Reports, Forms and 10-Codes (sub-folder)
AZ Crash Report Form Instructions
Crash Report Fatality Supplement
Crash Report Form
Crash Report Occupant Supplement
Sentencing Charts (sub-folder)
Criminal 2016-2022 Sentencing Provisions
2006, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2019 DUI Sentencing Charts
Tucson Blood Testing (sub-folder)
Blood Alcohol Quantitative Traceability (protected)
TPD Toxicology Procedure Manual Blood Alcohol 12-2-13 ver 3.2
Motions (sub-folder)
Arizona-Specific Defense Motions Bank
Request for Proposal Memo
Request for Proposal-Original
Request for Proposal-Rough Draft
Suggested Vendor List
Tab Sheet & Cost Comparison
Technical Evaluation Review
- And more!
Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Table of Cases
Chapter 1: Lawyer Advertising
Co-Authored by James O. Ruane, Esq. & Jay Tiftickjian, Esq.
1.1 Ethical Issues in Advertising
ER 7.1 Communications concerning a lawyer’s services ER 7.3 Direct contact with prospective clients
1.2 Advertising Resources
A. Internet Advertising
B. Phone Book Advertising
C. Giveaways
D. Television and Radio
E. Print Advertising
1.3 Marketing Advice
A. Tiftickjian’s Ten Marketing Tips to Build a Better Practice and Life
1.4 Social Media
A. Ethical Concerns
B. Confidentiality vs. Privilege
C. The 3 Tenets of Social Media: Timeliness, Honesty, and Transparency
D. Facebook
E. Twitter
F. Social Media as a Research Tool
G. Final Thoughts on Social Media
Chapter 2: Basic Client Relations
2.1 Meeting the Prospective Client
2.2 Client Intake Questions
2.3 Client Intake Interview
2.4 Fee Agreements
2.5 Fees
2.6 Trust Accounts
2.7 Communication
2.8 Client File Retention
Chapter 3: Collateral Consequences
3.1 Canadian Travel
3.2 Military Personnel
3.3 Pilots
3.4 Merchant Marines
3.5 Immigration and Deportation
3.6 Healthcare Workers
3.7 Fingerprint Clearance Cards
Appendix 3.1 Overcoming Criminal Inadmissibility to Canada
Chapter 4: Driver's License Actions: Motor Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division
4.1 Overview
4.2 The Admin per se/Implied Consent Form
4.3 Order of Suspension: Notice
4.4 Administrative per se Suspension A.R.S. §28-1385
4.5 Administrative per se Suspension
4.6 Implied Consent Suspension (Refusal) A.R.S. §28-1321
4.7 Recantation of Refusal
4.8 Right to Attorney Prior to Taking Chemical Test
4.9 Implied Consent Suspension A.R.S. §28-1321
4.10 Summary Review
4.11 Hearing on Order of Administrative per se License Suspension
4.12 Time Computations
4.13 Reinstatement
4.14 Minors
4.15 Juveniles
4.16 Suspension for Out-Of-State Violations
4.17 Validity of Out-of-State Licenses
4.18 Out-of-State Licensees
4.19 Request for MVD Rehearing
4.20 Appeals from MVD
4.21 MVD Driver Points System
4.22 State Commercial Driver License Disqualifications
4.23 State Commercial Driver License Notification Requirements
4.24 Federal Commercial Drive License Considerations
4.25 Federal Implied Consent Laws
4.26 Certified Ignition Interlock Devices (CIID) & Special Ignition Interlock Restricted Driver Licenses (SIIRDL)
4.27 Expungement of Motor Vehicle Record (MVR)
4.28 Mandatory Revocation of Driver Licenses
Appendix 4.1: How to Read a 39 Month Uncertified MVR
Appendix 4.2: Article 5: Administrative Hearings
Chapter 5: Driving, Boating, & Flying Under the Influence
5.1 Misdemeanor DUI
5.2 Extreme DUI
5.3 How to Challenge Prior Offenses in Misdemeanor Cases
5.4 Aggravated DUI
5.5 Pleas to Endangerment
5.6 Homicide
5.7 Reckless Driving
5.8 Minor Driving With Alcohol in the Body
5.9 Impoundment of Vehicles
5.10 Sentencing: Statutory Scheme
5.11 Special DUI, BUI, and FUI Penalty Assessments
5.12 Probation and Home-Monitoring
5.13 Costs of Incarceration
5.14 Reimbursement for Emergency Response
5.15 Restitution and Payment of Fines
5.16 Misdemeanor BUI: Overview
5.17 Misdemeanor BUI
5.18 Extreme BUI
5.19 Aggravated BUI
5.20 Minor Boating with Alcohol in the Body
5.21 FUI Flying Under the Influence: Important Distinctions
5.22 Misdemeanor FUI
5.23 Federal Court Jurisdiction
5.24 Government Oversight, DUI Abatement and Money
Appendix 5.1 Under the Influence Mandatory Sentencing Chart
Chapter 6: Pre-Trial Investigations
6.1 Overview
6.2 Proper Filing Techniques
6.3 Selecting and Using a Private Investigator
6.4 Visiting the Scene
6.5 Photography and Videos
6.6 Diagrams, Aerial and Drone Photography
6.7 Accident Reconstruction
6.8 Event Data Recorders (Black Boxes)
6.9 Speed, Time, and Distance Calculations
6.10 Roadblock (a.k.a. “DUI Checkpoint”) Investigations
6.11 Police Radio Codes
6.12 Pre-Trial Interviews
Appendix 6.1 An attorney’s guide to accident investigation
Chapter 7: Pre-Trial Motions Practice
7.1 Overview
7.2 Procedural Motions
7.3 Substantive Motions
7.4 Motions in Limine
7.5 Evidentiary Hearings
Chapter 8: Jury Selection, Trial Sentencing and Plea Deals
8.1 Overview: Jury Trails
8.2 Jury Selection
8.3 Opening Statements
8.4 Confronting the Prosecution's Case
8.5 Presenting The Defense Case
8.6 Closing Argument
8.7 Sentencing
8.8 Plea Offers
8.2 Waiver of Rights at a Plea Hearing
8.3 Exposure of Prior Offenses Advisement
8.4 Subsequent Offenses Advisement
8.5 Out of State, Timing and Juvenile Prior Offenses Advisement
8.6 Misdemeanor Plea Offers
8.7 Felony Plea Offers
8.8 The “Donald” Hearing
Chapter 9: Police DUI Investigations: Driving, Boating, and Field Sobriety Testing
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Driving Behavior
9.3 Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Six Validation Studies
9.4 Standardized Field Sobriety Test Battery
9.5 Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN)
9.6 Walk and Turn
9.7 One-Leg-Stand
9.8 Commonly Used Non-Standardized/Non-Validated Field Sobriety Tests
9.9 Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE)
9.10 Field Sobriety Testing in the Marine Environment
9.11 Videotaping the Driving and Investigation
Appendix 9.1 The Aging Process and Field Sobriety Tests
Appendix 9.2 DWI: Modern Day Salem Witch Hunts
Appendix 9.3 Fear and the DWI Field Sobriety Tests
Appendix 9.4 The Fallacy of the Police Administered ‘Finger to Nose’ Test to Determine Alcoholic Sobriety
Chapter 10: Drug Evaluation Classification
10.1 Overview
10.2 DRE Nationwide Law Comparison
10.3 DRE Admissibility Case Law
10.4 The 12-Step DRE Protocol
10.5 Deconstruction and Analysis of the 12-Step DRE Protocol
10.6 Effects of Various Drugs
10.7 Drug Evaluation Classification Protocol (DECP) Training Program
10.8 Arizona DRE Statutes
10.9 ARIDE and DRE Funding
Chapter 11: Chemical Testing
11.1 Henry’s Law and the Blood-to-Breath Ratio
11.2 Federal Register
11.3 Preliminary Breath Testing
11.4 Evidential Breath Testing
11.5 Infrared Light Absorption
11.6 Basic Operation
11.7 Intoxilyzer® Test Sequence
11.8 Breath Testing: Methods of Attack
11.9 Calibration Checks: Wet-Bath and Dry-Gas
11.10 Arizona Administrative Code Title 13, Chapter 10
11.11 Statutory Requirements for Admissibility of Breath Test Results
Chapter 12: Blood and Urine testing for Alcohol and Drugs
12.1 Phlebotomy: From the Vein to the Lab
12.2 Headspace Gas Chromatography-Blood Alcohol Anaylsis
12.3 Hospital Blood Analysis for Alcohol
12.4 Uncertainty of Measurements
12.5 Blood Testing for Drugs: Common Issues and Procedures
12.6 CGMS and LCMS Testing for Drugs
12.7 Blood and Urine: Handling and Preparations
12.8 GC/MS/MS Analysis for YHC in Urine and Blood
12.9 Blood Draws: Statutory Requirements and Admissibility
12.10 Secondary Blood Testing
Chapter 13: Blood Alcohol Calculations for Attorneys
13.1 Overview
13.2 Determining the One-Drink Potential
13.3 Elimination and Retrograde Extrapolation
13.4 White’s Retrograde Extrapolation
13.5 Partition Ratio Conversions
13.6 Serum and Plasma Conversions
13.7 Unit of Measure Conversion
13.8 Temperature Conversions
Chapter 14: DUI Jury Trial Warpack
14.1 Actual Physical Control (APC)
14.2 Aggravation
14.3 Appeals and Special Actions
14.4 Arrest
14.5 Attempted DUI
14.6 Blood Draws
14.7 Breath Testing
14.8 Chain of Custody
14.9 Closing Arguments—Ethical Considerations
14.10 Collateral Estoppel in DUI Cases
14.11 Comment of Defendant’s Silence
14.12 Confrontation
14.13 Corpus Delicti
14.14 Court Rules
14.15 Credibility of Witnesses
14.16 Discovery and Rule 15
14.17 Directed Verdict/Rule 20
14.19 Double Jeopardy
14.19 Driving with a Drug or Metabolite
14.20 DRE: Drug Recognition Evaluation Admissibility
14.21 Due Process
14.22 Evidence: Destruction, Failure to Preserve & Remedies
14.23 Evidence: Admissibility in a DUI Case
14.24 Expert Witnesses
14.25 Field Sobriety Test Evidence Admissibility
14.26 Foundation for Admission of Scientific Evidence
14.27 Immigration
14.28 Impeachment
14.29 Implied Consent
14.30 Independent Test
14.31 Jurors and Jury Selection
14.32 Jury Deliberations
14.33 Jury Instructions
14.34 Jury Trial Right
14.35 Motions
14.36 Miranda
14.37 Necessity Defense
14.38 MVD
14.39 Pleas and Plea Agreements
14.40 Preemption
14.41 Prior Convictions
14.42 Prior Testimony
14.43 Probable Cause
14.44 Probation
14.45 Public Trial Right
14.46 Reasonable Suspicion
14.47 Refusal to Submit to Chemical Testing
14.48 Relation Back/Retrograde Extrapolation
14.49 Replicate Testing
14.50 Restitution
14.51 Right to Counsel
14.52 Roadblocks (a.k.a. “DUI Checkpoints”)
14.53 Rule 8 Time Limits
14.54 Searches
14.55 Sentencing
14.56 Testimony
14.57 Video Recording of DUI Investigations
14.58 Voir Dire
14.59 Voluntariness of Statements
14.60 Warrants
About the Author