Secrets of an Expert In Traffic Engineering and Safety
- Author: Archie C. Burnham, Jr., P.E.
- ISBN 10: 1-933264-04-7
- ISBN 13: 978-1-933264-04-2
- Copyright Date Ed: April 27, 2005
- Pages: 160
- Binding Information: Paperback
- Size: 6 ✕ 9 Inches (US)
This book gives you an insider's look at the successful career of an expert witness in traffic safety. Archie Burnham discusses what he has learned in his fifty years of experience as a traffic safety expert. You'll learn the secrets of what to look for during an investigation, how to work with public groups, how to testify as an expert witness and much more. This is the perfect book for someone looking to break into the field of traffic investigations or expert consulting.
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